These are my initial ideas for the design of my digipak cover. I am aware that these may change slightly over the course of making it. Idea 3 (below) is the idea I like the most so this is the plan I am going to use.

Idea 3 is my favourite concept as it is simple and the geometric pattern is by far the best due to the way they seem to emanate from Tamas' face and the designs without the geometric pattern are a little dull and have too much happening.
I really like the idea of making a bold statement with the digipak cover by using bright primary colours against a black background to create a striking stand out image. I also think it is important when a band is new to have a picture of the band members or the lead singer on the front to make them easily recognisable and to promote the band's image, however many bands do not do this in their first album release for example:

On top of this I want to create a recognisable image for the band that can be used in promotional merchandise; the use of red and yellow in a geometric pattern makes a bold statement next to the pallid grey scale face of Tamas.
Update: I have just realised that although I love this colour scheme, it is the colours of the German flag which makes this album cover quite confusing in terms of nationality as the band is called
The New York Fund, it has a German flag background, a review saying 'Best new British Band' and vaguely Russian looking text.
Although this may be a good design and if it was to be used in 'the real world' this would be fine, however in the specification it defines that the digipak should show elements of Britishness! This is why I have had to change my design slightly (see below).

By adding the green and blue graphics to the design some ofthe simplicity has been lost from it but the added brightness and the way it no longer looks like the German Flag makes this a lot better.
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