This will become the back of the entire digipak with the track listing on the back and all the copyright company information in the bottom left corner. The two bars at the side with the band name and album name on will be folded over to make a recognisable side for the album.

This is a magazine advertisement for the digipak I created (shown at the top of this post). It is A4 in format to be easier to see and thus gaining more interest and publicity.
As I am marketing an independent unsigned band; the album would probably be distributed by independent music stores like Sound Clash in Norwich instead of at mainstream stores like HMV, but because the advert states that they have been voted best newcomer and the best album by two prominent magazines, small amounts of the digipak might be marketed and sold by shops like HMV, to draw attention to this independent band.
Helen your Evaluation is still not posted onto your Blog. I need to assess this component of your coursework before we return to school. Please let me know if you are having problems. If you don't complete this important aspect of your coursework you will lose 20% of your marks.