Monday 6 July 2009

A Bad Day with YouTube Comments

I have chosen to write about this video merely for the fact that it bears one of the traits that i am finding increasingly common in music videos that it has very little to do in connection with the song and lyrics, although it does show a very 'bad day' in terms of weather from the perspective of the news which is an interesting vantage point. I wished to see what other members of the audience made of it so i checked the YouTube comments which make quite an interesting read.

Although I have said that the concept of the video doesnt relate greatly to the content of the song some of the comments left by viewers on Youtube have left pearls of wisdom telling other viewers their interpretations of the song and video for example,

ChickenKickin12 says:

"It's a metaphor for the inability to escape from the unexpected problems in life."

Despite the fact that their name is ChickenKickin12 they seem to have hit the nail on the head with this comment and it makes a lot of sense as the video is continually telling of the doom and gloom that is continually being presented by the media. However other audience interpretations are not as clear and reasonable, for example


Bad days and bad news are very good for news TV all over the world.I think that's the message of this nice song.

This interpretation of the video is not very well worded and makes little sense however I think this audience member believes that this video represents the way in which news programmes always take the view point that any story is bad news because it frightens the audience and humans revel in negative news and being scared (scary movies and themepark rides for instance).

Youtube comments show the sheer amount of ways that ambiguous music videos can be interpreted by an audience thus widening the target audience and audience participation and certainly makes it memorable. Perhaps it is the way in which the band members capture the essence of news readers perfectly, or the way the video satirically plays with the fact that we as humans love to over talk the state of the weather, for as yet, I have not found a negative comment on this video!

One last comment I would like to show you is one by CutterScene:

"These guys are genuinely brilliant... just got that good ol' feeling, vocalizing their genuine thoughts and sometimes criticism and ironical take on 'civilisation' or 'society' is well merited."

So it seems that music videos whom criticise life and its annoying trivialities get a big thumbs up from their audience!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent research into aspects of the music industry to include the relationship between contemporary music and film.
    "Once" is a splendid film which explores the difficulties amateur muscians face when trying to market their music.
