This Scene from American Beauty was also of great inspiration to us as it is another sensual fantasy scene. The protagonist (played by Kevin Spacey) describes his feelings in an internal monologue during this scene and says:
“It’s the weirdest thing. I feel like I have been in a coma for twenty years andThis feeling of a dream like state is what we are trying to convey within our video with our fantasy scenes. The film has lots of dream fantasy scenes but this fantasy scene is particularly clever because the way in which it takes place on the ceiling which shows that it is not quite reality, it also enables the falling of rose petals on to the bed signifying lust and passion. Dream scenes will be great for our video because then we can vary our choices of locations, also it shows the love that still belongs between the couple although they are no longer together. These are examples of the use of the male gaze within media to portray women, in what some audiences would argue is a negative light, however we are not intending to have sexual dream scenes because we understand that they would alienate a proportion of our audience, but we are going to include innocent dream scenes, that mirror memories of the time they spent together as a couple.
I am just now waking up... Spectacular”
The video above also influenced us; it is the first dream scene in American Beauty. We would love to do a dream scene where the background is dark and the female is lit by a spotlight; using this chiaroscuro lighting encompasses the dark side of the fantasy where she is not actually real and the other alluring side.
This is The Rumble Strips video Not The Only Person which influenced our walking scenes because in this video the walking leads us through the journeying narrative to the penultimate scene.
This is a link to Coldplay's video for their song The Scientist which has influenced the beginning of our music video greatly as you can tell by playing the video backwards adds interest and an extra focus point is added to an otherwise bland beginning to this video. However we have decided to not use lip-sinked lyrics during these shots because to learn to sing the song backwards is labour intensive and takes too long, so we do not intend to have Tamas lip sinking to the music whilst walking backward.
I was trawling through some older music videos the other day to see if there was a great deal of different between then and now and i stumbled across this video by Celine Dion which has the same sort of narrative and has some of the same shots as what we have already used. This Just goes to show that nothing is ever really unique.
Note that the images from Evard Munch's "Madonna" is an explicit example of the male gaze and is an ambiguous representation of woman as virgin and whore!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso "American Beauty" - representations of women in this film are controversial, with the nagging wife, mute wife next door, sexy provocative Lolita young girl, and the other young girl (daughter of the protagonist) initially can speak up for herself but in the end trails off obediently with the photographer-boy-next-door!! You need to identify representations such as these which may alienate some female audiences, though the film is cinematically worthy. You must be on the alert for any issues regarding representation.
Well done for posting your research onto your blog.
The Rumble Strips' music video is an excellent inspiration for tracking shots.