Saturday, 17 October 2009

New York Fund 'The Guns of Camden Town'

Whilst looking up some live footage of The New York Fund I ran across this video for their song The Guns of Camden Town. Previously I had not realised that they had any music videos to their songs and suddenly thought that they might be signed however after watching it you can tell that it is an amateur video. It is extremely long with no narrative but random short references to musical instruments and old looking lamps. The editing is really good; fitting in with the beat of the music especially at the start where the lights are switched on and dimmed and the foot is stamping.

This is of stark contrast to our proposed music video because we have a large narrative that runs throughout with no shots of the band playing. However our song has greater potential for visual images because of the lyrics whereas this one doesn't.

1 comment:

  1. Re Research into texts which have informed your planning.

    Evard Munch, well done for posting the image of "The Scream", the other image of the sexualised woman, and your clips from "American Beauty" are helpful. But to achieve a strong Level 4 you need to comment on the voyeuristic shots of the Munch female and the girl in "American Beauty". These shots are examples of the male gaze and constructed (it would seem) from male fantasies which some audiences would find demean women. The shots from "American Beauty" are particularly controversial i.e. old man (Peeping Tom) looking at young girl whose role seems to be to gratify middle aged menopausal man!!!!
    You also need to explain why you abandoned these ideas, thank goodness you did abandon these outdated misogynistic representation of women! But do explain please.
